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Close Savings Account - General Account

The General Account Information tab shows details of the client whose savings account is under closure. It shows the clients account details as they were entered at registration. The screen will look as follows:


This screen will display the persons authorized to make transactions on the account, their identity card numbers and whether they are authorized to sign for this account or not.

Person Authorized: The names of the persons authorized to sign for this account will automatically be populated in these fields, e.g., "Kasirye Jamil".

ID cards & numbers: The ID numbers will automatically be populated with the information that was assigned at registration.

May sign:For the persons listed as authorized to sign, tick the Yes radio button to allow that person to sign before the closure is done.

Signatures: The number of persons authorized to sign for any transactions on this account, e.g., "1".

Reg. Code:This is the code that is assigned to the client at registration, e.g., "DB/I/000001".

Closed on: This field will displayed the date when the account was closed.

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